NxN on GPU turned out to have the cleanest results!
Implementing GPU grid cells also created some fun artifacts ^^
The following is what I’m currently most proud of. It is a snowflake-like graph!
Some highly-complex graph
More crystals ^^
I’m a bit at a loss what to do next.. Maybe extract the graph rendering component to be easily used in the knowledge base? I’ve also been adding more loose nodes in a journalling context based on feedback from a friend! Life has gotten a bit more in focus, and whilst I love working on graphs and renderers, I’m not sure where my focus lies for now.
See you next time!
26 January 2025
Progress Movies
The first rendered connections
A more complex random graph
Camera controls, perspective transformations and selections
Labels showing node info
Here I added more graph modification options and end up playing with cool shapes
The current state of mindspace is:
A working database connection
A working graph renderer
Graph tools
Displaying labels
Selecting nodes, not edges. (Edges are currently specified by selecting two nodes)
Creating/removing nodes
Creating/removing edges
Physics settings
No direct link between database and the shown graph
Selection is buggy
I believe a next good step is trying to integrate the database further and slowly get some fun ways going go manipulate the data.
See you later!
21 January 2025
I rendered some nodes using compute shaders.
Next up is linking them to the data, and adding edges :3
19 January 2025
Destroy database
It’s easy to delete your entire database using the graph language syntax.
Luckily I documented all my entries here!
I just updated my mindspace repo to setup a connection to the graph database. It now prints all existing concepts.
cargo run
["Paradox", "Liminality", "Cé", "Entropy", "Core"]
I’ve been finding cypher-shell hard to work with manually. It’s a lot of effort to add simple entries, and even more effort to alter existing ones.
My current focus will be to create a fun way to render the nodes using cen. That should be a challenge.
To be continued..
17 January 2025
I’ve set up a graph database, specifically neo4j for those interested. A graph database is not like an SQL database. It stores its data in what’s like nodes and connections.
Currently I have only added nodes. No relations/connections yet. They are:
I intend to create more nodes and figure out what would be interesting to model. My first thought was to add a field called ’entropy’, which might model the ‘depth’ or the ‘stability’ of a node.
Here I have added entropy to ‘paradox’. I will rate in the range [0,1]. Also ’ent’ sounded cooler to me.
neo4j@neo4j> MATCH (n {name:"Paradox"})
SET n.ent = .1
| n |
| (:Concept {name: "Paradox", ent: 0.1}) |
PS: I can access the databases shell via ssh on my phone! So I can log things in the wild :D
That’s it for now!
11 January 2025
I’ve started tinkering with an idea for a project. I call it mindspace.
It will be an attempt at combining technology and my thoughts. An interface between thinking, dreaming, logging and connecting. It might not work out at all, but that is no problem.
The first goal will be to set up a simple way to write down notes from my mobile phone, and store them into a graph database.
From there on I have no clue what to do still. I feel like I need to take my steps to that new place before I can see where to go next.